Thursday 16 February 2012

YOU ...sharing is caring :)

Sabda Nabi saw, “Janganlah mencabut uban kerana uban adalah cahaya pada hari kiamat nanti. Siapa saja yang beruban dalam Islam walaupun sehelai, maka dengan uban itu akan dicatat baginya satu kebaikan, dengan uban itu akan dihapuskan satu kesalahan, juga dengannya akan ditinggikan satu darjat.” (HR. Ibnu Hibban dalam Shahihnya. Syaikh Syu’aib Al Arnauth mengatakan bahwa sanad hadits ini hasan)

Saturday 11 February 2012

Just because you have found some new friends, that doesn’t mean you leave your old friends !!

yes..i really meant this...Just because you have found some new friends, that doesn’t mean you leave your old friends !! hurm ...

Sunday 22 January 2012

khas buat A.Z.A.R :)

It’s been so long me not updating this bel0ved bl0g. Well as a request from someone that I care the most even till this second, I’m gonna hit this blog again. BTW, a special thanx for YOU coz still wanted to be a loyal reader after we’ve been through t0o much ups and downs together… *happy plus sad di sini huhu… First and for most..I would like to express a big thanx to our Almighty, ALLAH s.w.t atas nikmat yg diberikan… Alhamdulillah…my days recently baik-baik saje… Cuma kekadang kesihatan tak menentu…But that’s a normal thing for me…just don’t worry about that… Anyway my third year seems t0o fast. Me already begin to start my second semester for the 3rd year..Alhamdulillah… The results for the final exam still not receive yet.. Seriously a bit nervous there as currently I’ve got someone that so much concern right to my journey in life..He is watching every step that I take..Every move that I make…Hurm can I considered myself as a lucky one here???  Me either not very sure, but so far..Honestly Alhamdulillah.. I’ve never seen someone like him before, I mean after i met YOU…  His kindness really remind me of YOU… Hurm yeah sincerely.. his acts more or less got similar here and there with YOU. Maybe you guys sharing the same month of birth that made both of you seem having the same perception and similar thoughts sometimes..Huuu I don’t know how far the truth is it.. but my heart can recognize it clearly.. 

YOU… be strong.. no matter what happen.. my prayers are always be with you. Remember ALLAH always… be good… Take care… InsyaALLAH…one fine day we will meet again..Ouch this background song really touch my heart…errr..yup dedicate to YOU..  and one more thing…. Keep SMILING… as YOU love to see me smile... me also love to see YOU smile~!!! 

ermm still not too late to say a million thanx to YOU right??? :) i've got something to ponder..

"setiap kali kita berbuat sesuatu kebaikan...even hanya memberi senyuman kepada seseorang yang menggalas sebeban masalah... dan daripada senyuman kita itu dapat memberi satu helaan positif kepada pemilik masalah.. insyaALLAH...suatu hari nanti..ALLAH akan membalas budi serta jasa kita dengan seribu kebaikan"

And this is what had happened to me..YOU not only give me your smile... But you lend me your own soul for me to cherish my past days that fulled of tears :) Thank you so much... hanya ALLAH sahaja dapat membalas segala2 nya... AMIN... :) 

Ya Rahman... Engkau ampunkan dosa2 si dia..kau berikan kekuatan yang abadi kepada si dia...berikanlah ketabahan..serta cekalkanlah hatinya....kau bahagiakan lah si dia dunia dan akhirat...berikanlah dia kejayaan sebagaimana yang dia harapkan...Murahkanlah rezekinya...lindungilah dia..serta keluarganya dari segala malapetaka .. Amin.. :)

khas buat kenalan tersayang... A.Z.A.R 

Wednesday 11 January 2012

hanya ALLAH lebih mengetahui...

..Aku tidak pernah memilihmu untukku.Tapi Allah yang telah memilihmu untukku.. Aku tidak pernah berharap mencintaimu.. Tapi Allah yang telah menundukkan hatiku untuk memberikan cinta ini padamu.. Aku tidak pernah bermimpi untuk mendampingimu.. Tapi Allah yang telah menentukan jalan hidupku untuk mendampingimu.. Aku juga tidak pernah berharap menanggung rasa ini atas cintaku padamu.. Tapi Allah yang telah memberikan rasa ini dan harus ku tanggung atasmu.. Itulah aku adanya.. Tidak pernah berkuasa untuk mengatur hatiku sendiri.. Kerana Sang Pemilikku yang telah menentukan harus bagaimana, memberikan rasa pada siapa, menanggung rasa yang bagaimana, aku harus berada di samping siapa dan untuk apa..

Sunday 30 October 2011

dear someone...THANK YOU :)

Assalamualaikum....i dont know if you are willing to open my blog again...but i just want you to know that... i really appreciate our friendship yesterday... yesterday?? yes..~! as you request it to be that way..., i know this may sound t0o awkward...but I'm done...~ Anyway...dear YOU...i'll NEVER hate you.. :) i know its hard for both of us to decide that..but you keep trying hard...well done dear..~ u make me burst a bucket of tears... but actually that's not a big deal as it also 'apart' of my job in life...  hurm...dear YOU...thank you so much for every single second you had spent with me... it such an honor to have such an arrogant friend like you..because i know you are that type of person that t0o hard to be friend with... :) hey YOU thank you so much..for being a superb-nice-awesome best friend of mine... i pray to our Almighty , ALLAH swt.. may this kind hearted person successful in his life...DUNIA and also AKHIRAT...may he finds his truth peaceful after this with his 'new friend' out there that he desired for. May the new person that come into his life gonna support him till forever. May the new person that chosen by him is a good and solehah one. Bless him Ya Allah...give him strenght..perhaps Ya Allah..avoid him from being down...prevent himself from give up on hope...Ya Allah...i really LOVE this friend...please help me to get through my life properly without him by my side...i know YOU have planned something more beneficial for us... May this sadness will fade away s0on..
sometimes i cant barely handle this tears to fall down... its naturally happen. Ya Allah...only you know every single thing that will happen... If this is for our own good...Alhamdulillah...Thanks ALLAH...for your unstoppable concern to us... we need YOU Allah...always!~ :)  tenanglah duhai hati...hidup selalu begini...dugaan takkan berhenti..itu tanda kita masih dikasihi YOU my friend...u will always be my friend...not only yesterday.. but will remains as my friend for forever... :) be good always...i know you are strong enough right? keep smiling for me... :) YOU deserve someone much better than me...maybe someone pretty like jung nicole?? who knows? :) I LOVE u my friend...:) take care...have a safe journey in life...amin..:) your name will always keep in my prayers insyaAllah...:)

Tuesday 20 September 2011

hey YOU!! thank you so much!

Thank you for leaving my life, you actually did me a very big favor by opening a closed door. Behind this door, there were other people standing and waiting for it to be opened, and when you were in my life, I was totally unable to open it, you were making me blind to see them. And you know? when I saw how great they are, I realized how tiny you really were... :D once again THANK YOU..:)

Friday 16 September 2011

remeber this...~

here i got something for us erm...just a short reminder...:)

ohh yeah....sangat setuju~! SO ....sentiasa beringat2 ye...:))