Sunday 31 July 2011

RamAdhan Ya RAmadhan...:)

Assalamualaikum :) hari ni 1st day umat islam menyambut Ramadhan yang dinanti-nantikan...Alhamdulillah..kali ni aku berkesempatan utk celebrate bulan ramadhan sebulan bersama parents tercinta...You know what..its almost 8 years aku tak dapat berpuasa sebulan di rumah..:)) Kalah orang study over da sea la life student duduk hostel memanjang~ :) ini...aku nak wish HAPPY FASTING guys..:)) same2 kite tambahkn amal ibadat ye :) Jangan gatal tgn buke periuk siang2 hari.. no m0re asap2 ye bg sape2 yg smoking tu...bulan puasa bulan mulia..jaga mata..jaga anggota..jaga nafsu..jaga la segala2nya..bukan sekadar tahan lapar dan dahaga je..:) kalau ade rezeki utk menunaikan terawikh..sila lah berbuat demikian..bila lg kita nak spend masa kita menunaikan ibadat2 sunat seperti itu..tapi tiada paksaan..semua tu kena buat secara rela hati..barula nampak ikhlas..tak gitu :) Anyway aku sangat suke dengan lagu harapan ramadhan..Lagu ni buat aku rasa sayu je hehehe :) jom dengar :) Once again..selamat berpuasa semua..mohon ampun salah silap ye :)

Friday 29 July 2011

ini salah..itu pun salah...~

Assalamualaikum...yer da bersawang dah bel0g aku kelihatan beberapa labah-labah turut dijadikan haiwan peliharaan di sini..baguslah~ :p Anyway..there's many things hit me lately...satu persatu..non stop..dugaan apakah? ujian apakah? huuuu T_T ..but before that Alhamdulillah...aku da dapat my lisence..tak sia2 aku menggelapkan kulit selama ni..:)) hehehe..hmm back to da topic...aku rase aku serbe tak kene..huuu i mean that ape yg aku buat sekarang ni mcm totally salah...and now aku blur untuk tolong diri aku sendiri...complicated kan..hahaha...anyway moral of da story..buat sesuatu fikir dulu dalam2..imagine dulu risiko2 in future..jangan sedap ikutkan hati..jiwe dan rage..:p okay i bet that sape2 yg bace mesti tgh ketap gigi geram sambil kutuk2 aku..apelah minah ni bebel with no point..hmmm aku just nak luahkan je..ape aku rase saat ini.. :))

Friday 15 July 2011

haruslah hargai apa yg ada di depan mata~

Kali ni aku terniat nak share something boleh?? Hehe actually aku baru lepas ushar2 article yg menarik utk dibaca…Then aku terjumpa satu short story yg buat aku terfikir betapa pentingnya komitmen dalam sesebuah relationship…Sometimes its better to be single dari menjadi seorang kekasih yg  hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan…And to the one who are in this situation…think twice…maybe its your call to let him/her go..To make it short, you deserve far away much better than him/her.. Hakikat manusia kini…mmg unexpected to expect~! HAHA…bila mula2 nak masuk line..SUWEETnye..kalau boleh tiap2 masa nak contact..tak cukup dgn,message,vide0 call bagai..sambung pulak dgn SKYPElah..YMlah..HAHA…awal2 je der…tp bila ‘rasa’ tu da hilang entah pergi mana…semua kemanisan tu pun foll0w sekali…ini SERIUS~! Actually..just get back to basic…once you’ve got a chance to have someone…dont try to play a f0ol…be serious no matter what loyal..and you have to understand the meaning of APPRECIATE…Coz you know what..Once you  forget how to appreciate someone that you used to love or like before…don’t be REGRET later if they would do the same thing..:D  Haaa tak nak banyak cite..bace short story bawah ini HARUS & layak dilakukan utk org2 yg  sebegini rupe..SIGH~

What say you people?? :D

Tuesday 12 July 2011

bila RASA itu mengasak jiwa...


Its amazing when your heart try to speak up their desires. :P Lately. that is what i feel now...Sometimes, the smallest decision can make the greatest impact in your life.. DUhh.. Whoever you are reading this, I do. I MISSed you. You. Yes, you. I am writing this for you. I know you are reading this. And I want you to know I am writing this for you. No one else will understand. No one else knows. They think that this is for them. But it’s not. I am writing this for you...
Dear YOU,

My feelings for you grow day by day...
I'm not so sure the exactly name of this feeling called by...
But since that 'beautiful' night...
Where you told me that you need me & i always means something in your life
I started to miss you right now...
And to tell you the truth...
i think that you are being so cruel to just left me like this...
even i know the reasons why you are leaving...
How can you simply expect me can accept this thing easily?
Dont you know Its kinda hard to try it when those unknown feelings already stuck inside me..??

Ouch terasa kehilangan...:(

my first ever entry ...


Testing...testing....:) Nowadays, dunia blogging da lame jd current trend. So i'm here not coz afraid to be so outdated..cuma Alhamdulillah punya sedikit masa terluang dan terbuang untuk j0in mende alah ni .. :D Alang2 holidays masih berbaki why not we take the chance to set this blog up..heee...:) and for the beginning i've got nothing to share or story anything here...just to remind myself and all friends out there...hidup ni penuh dengan dugaan serta ranjau kehidupan..yang pastinya kita kadang-kadang tak expect for that things to hadirnya semua tu adalah dari Allah s.w.t untuk menguji tahap kesabaran n tabahnya kita sebagai hambaNYA...mungkin jua Allah sangat2 merindukan suara2 hambaNYA tunduk berdoa dan memujiNYA. Alhamdulillah atas semua ujian yg kita dapat tu InsyaAllah kita dapat lebih mendekatkan diri kepadaNYA..Subhanallah..:) Moga the next entry akan lebih bermanfaat utk kite kongsi bersama..