Tuesday 12 July 2011

bila RASA itu mengasak jiwa...


Its amazing when your heart try to speak up their desires. :P Lately. that is what i feel now...Sometimes, the smallest decision can make the greatest impact in your life.. DUhh.. Whoever you are reading this, I do. I MISSed you. You. Yes, you. I am writing this for you. I know you are reading this. And I want you to know I am writing this for you. No one else will understand. No one else knows. They think that this is for them. But it’s not. I am writing this for you...
Dear YOU,

My feelings for you grow day by day...
I'm not so sure the exactly name of this feeling called by...
But since that 'beautiful' night...
Where you told me that you need me & i always means something in your life
I started to miss you right now...
And to tell you the truth...
i think that you are being so cruel to just left me like this...
even i know the reasons why you are leaving...
How can you simply expect me can accept this thing easily?
Dont you know Its kinda hard to try it when those unknown feelings already stuck inside me..??

Ouch terasa kehilangan...:(